Tuesday, November 24, 2009

College oh college.....

The reasons sebab apa aku tergedik2 nak study dekat Cosmopoint S.P...jengjengjeng!!! Sebab time tu dok angau dekat satu budak Kolej PTPL tu...tak kisah la...tiap-tiap hari jumpa...mcm bodo...sampai masuk class.....tapi sekejap ja relationship aku dgn dia 8 bulan ja...sebab aku dah jumpa seorang lelaki ni yang memang dah menyusahkan hidup aku lah.tak pernah nak hargai aku..Dia ni unemployed....mkn pun kdg2 aku bagi duit bawah meja sebab dia takda duit...no need to mention siapa lah....sebab sekarang aku totally dah benci dia sebab dia buat aku betui2 macam binatang...ludah aku...seronok m,asa kat cosmo...mula2 aku menyewa dekat Taman Mawar,Bakar Kapor...sebab salah faham...aku keluar dari rumah tu...kakak2 senior...besa lah...Lpeas tu aku dok hostel atas cosmo sebab dh jumpa geng....ANGGERIK RIMBA..best...tiap malam p Cs....tiap2 malam p karaoke...rabu,jumaat,sabtu...p clubbing...dulu soho beach la peymes time tu....naik bus sampai batu feringghi....chek in bayu senja...lawak...masa tu sifu aku Cenana la...She's d best sister lah...

Never Ending Story.....

Kalau nak dibezakan life before than sekarang...sekarang sangat worse...Kalau boleh nak balik masa childhood dulu....Im the only ...no sister's time tu...adik kakak semua aku....
Tadika...ibu hantar aku kat tadika islam....tak mcm org lain parents hantar p sekolah pakai skirts....tapi aku pakai mini telekung and flats colour merah..and then move to primary dekat sebraang jaya...Sek.Keb.Seberang Jaya1....sangat nerdy dan ibu's doter masa tu...after 5 years ibu gave birth to my second sister...Dada...lagi 5 tahun keluar lagi satu adik aku yang bongsu...Aina...
Theres the beginning of one happy family...lepas tu no more siblings dh dlm family till now...cuma ada 3 fadzil's angel ja...Habis primary school....aku then move to secondary school SMKTI yg aku stay kat situ selama 1 tahun ja...that means i studied there till form 1 and being transffered to S.P...stand for Sungai petani...sebb kat inderawasih im being bullied by my classmates...Dekat KJ la aku mula kenal semua.....rokok???club????jadi minah rewang?????semua dari situ...sangat spoilt...mcm2 alasan...mcm2 helah nak ponteng...ibu bagi aku dok hostel...mula2 agak tak biasa...tapi thank god sebab ada close cuzzin yg stay situ jugak....dah lama-lama...geng pun dah jumpa....kawan2 kat hostel byak senior....sebb rasa protected sikit bila kawan dengan adult than people yg same age dgn kita...Sampai sekarang pun still kip in touch nd kip contacting each other...Macam2 jdi msa hostel life dulu....trapped dlm boys locker la...fly malam2 sebb nak beli kueyteow goreng la...semua take order....burger??teh o ais??whateverr...tapi we are lucky sebb tak penah kena tangkap dgn guard..Try to smoke in the ironing room...Konon2 dat time group ni yang panas....Y2K...wahwahwah...nama...tu sebb satu malam tu termasuk satu karaoke lounge kt sp...Aku jadi penghubni dorm Asma sampai form 4...aku cabut n ulang alik dari umah ibungah kat tikam batu....till im finish with my SPM...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Buas tak buas sangat...anak sulong...aku lah kakak...aku lah adik...aku lah semua...
So that ibu and ayah called me ADIK....until im big enuff...

5-6 years ol
-Tadika Pasti(islam)....hmmm....bila besar tak nampak ropa seorang wanita solehah lgsg...haramm....

7-12 years old
-Sekolah Kebangsaan Seberang Jaya 1.....kind of nerdy ...p skolah balik skolah...jarang ponteng even sakit or whatever special case...

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Location : Everywhere...anywhere...


Cracky...wacky...crazy...silly...people near me..

Te Amo...Te Amo...Te Amo...

5 years ive been drowning in HIS sorrow river....but he met me on my halfway to my further life..begging and begging.....persuave and persuave...and i'l give him a second chance to make proof.

He's my MOHD ZAKI CHE PIN.....and...he's my Johnny Depp...


So grateful to be born...thank you to them who with responsibility t bring me into this world..

1.IBU...thanx for the 9th months in your womb.
2.AYAH..thanx for the first sperm blast...
3.TWO SISTER'S DADA & AINA....thanx for being such a cracky siblings in my life..

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Where Do i start...??


One Heart


As u know.....this blog is just about myself n mylife and the people around me.

And, this is me....i love to laugh a lot...but what happen in the inside, nobody knows...So, lets get move to the next chapter...xoxo!

Nur Farah Shazeera bt. Fadzil...was born on 30th Sept 1985....im a Libran...this is my second blog...what happen to the last blog is...i dont remember the passwords...hahahaha!!so i create the new one..I am 24 years old this year...and im still looking foward my dream future...

This is where do i start....................